Tag Archives: relax

Day at the Beach, Flapjacks, and French Press

Yesterday was a day at the beach! Mom and I drove down equipped with coffees. We arrived at the beach and had to wait in line to park. I snacked on a peach and some pretzel slims. You know you’re on the cape when there are hydrangeas everywhere! It was a perfect day on the beach and I had a blast playing with my little cousins who are 6 and 2!  I also enjoyed some Fage yogurt topped with flax seed. I also snacked on strawberries and blueberrie, as well as TWO of my home-made granola bars – I had to have one of each! ;) I had a banana bread oat bite and an oatmeal snack bar. Kind of a hodgepodge lunch eaten throughout the afternoon, but it worked! These kiddoes were so cute! 

There was also a dog, Phoebe! 
We headed back from the beach around 5 and showered up and headed out to dinner at one of our favorite places, the Marsh Side.  We started with some pinot grigio. 
I had a big greek salad for dinner, and 2 pieces of bread from the bread basket. Then, ice cream! My favorite ice cream place of all time, and I got grasshopper (mint ice cream mixed with oreo hunks!) MMMmm soo good.  Happy girl with ice cream:As for this morning…

I started the day with a quick 3 mile run. I was planning to do interval sprints but just wasn’t feelin it. It was pretty warm and sunny so I just plugged along on my flat 3 mile route. Started at 8:46am, ended at 9:17am. I then banged out:

– stretching
– 3 sets of 15 reps of tricep over-the-head lifts, 12 pound weight
– 3 sets of 20 reps of bicep curls, 10 pound weights each arm
– 30 push ups on my knees

All the while I was on and off hold with my school health insurance – not fun! But made the weight-lifting seem quicker.  After the workout and shower it was time for….. FLAP JACKS AND FRENCH PRESS!!! Remember how I got a delivery? It was time to make use of it! I whipped up some flapjacks and added to the mix: blueberries, walnuts, and some of the final sprinkles of my Cville Cluster Granola (this addition totally inspired by Kath in this post)

I also cooked up a few morning star faux sausages (love these!). The flap jacks (why is it waaay more fun to call them flapjacks vs. pancakes?! It’s so rustic and outdoorsy sounding) came out awesome, and I topped my first one with syrup and the next with raspberry jam.



I also used the french press! The coffee came out good, but mom and I have to admit, it’s not anything super amazing. I wonder if it’s the coffee we used that wasn’t super amazing? Not sure. But it was good!
I’ve got a to-do list to tackle today!
  • Pack for camping/ organize my disaster of a room
  • Pack for Mexico
  • Laundry
  • CVS
  • Trader Joe’s
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Make granola?
  • Buy new head phones
  • Coffee date
  • Dinner date
Ready, go!

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Weekend in Review

Well…. Friday night I finished up helping with some moving, and then we headed to Prime 16 for happy hour! Great beers. Then.. we came home and made PIZZA! We made two: peppers and onion pizza, and a mushroom and olive one. SO GOOD!! We love the recipe from Animal Vegetable Miracle.  It came out just as awesome as the last time we made pizza :) 

And then we went for FROYO in New Haven! Froyo World was pretty awesome. Banana cream, chocolate froyo, topped with an insane amount of candy toppings. I went overboard. No good. We kicked off Saturday morning bright and early and helped out friend move. Started with that cereal again – yum! Moving is never fun, but we banged it our in 3 hours and it was a good workout! Up and down many stairs. And great seeing our friend :) We then hit the road to Barrington RI to Jeff’s parents’ house. It was so beautiful there! They had a big cookout with friends and family, it was lovely! Jeff’s parents remembered my love of pumpkin beer and picked me up this! It was good, not as good as my favorite Shipyard Pumpkin head, but good!
After jet-skiing (my first time!), riding around in the boat, eating, drinking, and sunning, we headed up to Providence for Water Fire. It was awesome, I hadn’t been in years, and it was a lot of fun! We had a beer and some sweet potato fries at this neat brew pub: Trinity Brewhouse  and their hefeweizen was great! We kicked off this beautiful Sunday morning with a great breakfast: Fake bacon and egg sandwiches. MMMmm! Enjoyed out on the deck in the sunshine on the water! It’s hot here though. 
Now we have a few more hours here in paradise to enjoy!! Then it’s a late-night train back to DC :-/ Wahh.  C ya!

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Let the fun begin!

Happy Vacation! I’m so excited I have the next 5 days off from my internship and get to take a trip home to visit! Haven’t been home since I started here at the end of May, and I’m looking forward to hanging out with my parents, brother, boyfriend, and friends! I was sooo tired last night after that 6 mi run that I konked out and slept til 10am. It was glorious.  I woke up to some eggs, peppers, turmeric, and coffee with cinnamon.Checked a few things off my to-do list:

clean bathroom
clean kitchen
take out trash and recyclables
put laundry away
finish packing
I then hopped over to the gym for a quick workout:
–15 mins on the Stairmaster
–15 mins on the elliptical
–arm workout (glad I got my 3 sessions in, like I had planned on Sunday!)

I scooted home and made some JUICE! Haven’t used the juicer since I moved to DC and it was about time! It’s a beautiful day here too so seemed appropriate to have some super fresh juice after a good workout and go sit in the sun.

Juice was made of:It’s also good timing cuz I wanted to clear out the fridge of any fresh items that might go bad while I’m away til Tuesday night. (cucumber, celery stalks, carrots, apple, lemon)

It turned out delicious! 

I was all excited to go lay by my building’s pool (I’ve only used it twice, ah!) and headed down with juice and book in hand, but found the pool didn’t open til 3 today! Boooo. I was determined to get some sunshine and juice time, so I went and sat just outside my building on a patch of grass. It was a bit awkward since I was also determined to wear a bikini. Whatevs, ppl can deal, right? ;) I was literally laying next to cars.outdoor juice :) Not quite the serene atmosphere I was imagining by the pool .. oh well. I came back after 45 mins (don’t want too much sun, it is awful for you, I know). I had a cottage cheese snack
And now it’s time to shower, finish packing, and get on the metro to the airport! Catch you later.


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Green, lush run

Just got back from a great 6.3 mile run with Melissa! We ran along the Capital Crescent Trail up through Georgetown. It was a great trail that I didn’t even know was there – really flat, surrounded by lots of greenery, and right alongside the Potomac River so there were lovely views here and there as we chatted and ran along. I can’t get over how much better running with someone is than running along with music! The time just really flies by as we chat and I don’t even feel like I’m pushing that hard as we up the miles. It feels SO GOOD to be out running again. It wasn’t too hot out at all today either so it wasn’t too sweaty of a run. I got back and drank the other half of my protein shake that I had saved from earlier. I then put together a quick light salad to get in some more veg.

With dollops of salsa.

And bubbles!

That run wore me out a bit. Gotta finish up a load of laundry, prep for tomorrow, and relax before bed! I’ve had “The Switch” with Jennifer Anniston on Netflix for days now, so maybe I’ll start watching that. 4 days til my visit home! Weeee. G’night!

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